UPDATE: Senate Committees Are Scheduled! Please show up to testify and or be in support of!
Senate Bill 5382 (tiny house ADUs): J.A. Cherberg Building @ 1:30PM (PST) 2/6/2019
This bill summary, would allow for Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit Tiny Homes to be allowed for like a mother in law unit.
Senate Bill 5383 (tiny house villages): J.A. Cherberg Building @ 1:30PM (PST) 2/6/2019
This bill summary, would allow for cities and counties to develop villages and communities specific for tiny homes without them taking the liability risk.
Senate Bill 5384 (tiny houses – rural siting): 8am on 2/5/2019
This bill summary, would allow for vineyards, farms and outside of Urban Growth Areas( UGA ) to place a tiny home on that property
House Bill 1206 (tiny house use in Manufactured Home Communities):
This bill summary, would allow for Tiny homes to be placed legally in Mobile Home parks also known as Manufactured home communities.
WANT TO HELP? Please reach out to your representatives!
Write them a letter short sweet and why Tiny Homes are a need for you. We thank you. Todd McKellips founder – director – tiny home advocate